Trout Fishing in Bottom Trout Area: How to Choose Spoons

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The interpretation of the trout movement is what characterises the fishing session today, because as we all know, the trout area technique is anything but static.

This technique, which requires specific equipment, is in fact a constant search not only for the prey, but also for what can attract it and allow us to catch it.

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Stopping at the choice of a single type of undulating spoon is not a wise choice because the trout, especially after a few hours, tends to recognize some of the colors of the proposed spoons and avoid them, no longer being attracted to them.

In this video, in the company of the Herakles team, we can admire the beauty of the Albatros lakes that characterize the day with their crystal clear waters, giving us beautiful images of the prey so coveted.

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The protagonists show us, as already mentioned, how much the colors of the spoons can determine and completely overturn a fishing session and which were the most capturing colors and the best rods for the trout area.

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The experts inaugurate the day with Area Evok rods, medium-hard rods with a regular action that favors the hooking action and follows the eating of the fish. Available in two sizes, they give the possibility to our protagonists to follow two different approaches by fishing in one case with the braided and in the other with a fluoro coated, which make a difference especially in the sinking speed.

The advice of the experts, at the start, is to start with a reaction color, then immediately recognizable by the trout but with two different weights: 2.4 grams and 3.5 grams.

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The target is centred on the 3.5 gram and the yellow-orange color, which bring the first prey of the day to the shores of the lake after just a few minutes of fishing.

The session continues with the capture, one after the other, of many prey and the fishing of different colors and new multifaceted. Orange with red, pink and gold flags. Both colors do not disappoint expectations.

Although the rod used initially is perfect for this type of fishing, experts decided to change their approach to fishing at greater distances, focusing on the Elisium 1.95, an ultra-light rod with an ideal balance and action for competitions.

As the hours go by, the trout tend to descend to the bottom, providing the two protagonists with the perfect opportunity to test the new bottom equipment brought in for the occasion. Fishing does not stop on the bottom but with fast and constant tears to facilitate the eating of the fish.

This technique is mainly used at the end of the session, with the fish not moving from the bottom of the lake, or when you want to try a slow fishing, moving the artificial even on the bottom.

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The Sbam spoon is perfect for this particular time of day. Whether recovering or falling, it leaves no escape for the trout, and is available in two different weights and many variations of extremely captivating colors. Combined with the right rod, it gives our protagonists an unexpected and catchy end of the day.

A further proof of the effectiveness of the equipment even after a long fishing session in search of the right undulating spoon and rod.

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