How to Catch Sea Bream with Bottom Fishing and the Setting to Use

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Contrary to the forecasts, the wind seems not to be very strong and the Colmic team, this time composed by Valerio Mastracci and Fabio Senesi, leaves for a new exciting bottom fishing session.

Immersed in the darkness of the night while wise and impatient hands prepare with care and attention all the necessary for the upcoming fishing trip, hoping for good luck and a favorable God of the sea.

Sea Bream Bottom Fishing

While the boat is inexorable prey of the waves, the sun comes to illuminate the coast when the lines are already in the water and the tips of the rods begin to bend to the weight of the first prey caught and released "to the sender" as a sign of good luck.

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The session involves fishing with natural baits, consisting mainly of sardines that are reinforced with elastic wire to try to make sure that they stay longer on the bottom and are not immediate prey of the bunch of black sea bream that seem to like them particularly.

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The objective of the experienced fishermen is in fact the capture of some more important prey, which can give moments of fun and test the equipment of the day.

The sky is dark again, the two brave fishermen seem to have been left alone in the fishing spot, but they don't give up, they wait for the Queen sea bream. However, after some considerable catches, the first drops of a strong imminent storm force them to retreat and decree the end of a nice fishing session at sea.

Not satisfied, however, Valerio and Fabio find shelter and stop to present the Colmic equipment of great quality that has accompanied them to the capture of the treasures of the sea: Galactic and JBX 900 the fishing attitude of Valerio, the unbeatable Sealion completed by the brand new Black Hawk for Fabio.

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On the spool they put Strike 0.35 mm, a perfect wire when fighting with fish that must be detached from the bottom: good elongation, great resistance to the abrasion, great held to the knot. In few words, the inevitable wire for a bottom fishing session to sea bream.

A fishing with one meter armrest and fluorocarbon rigs made of Seaguar Secol 0.33 mm, a wire that is a real guarantee of Colmic house completed by MR700 hooks, very light, strong and super sharp.

Discover the secrets of fishing in Bolentino with Team Colmic, don’t miss the full video of the fishing session.

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