The Method Feeder Technique with the use of Pellets

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Today's fishing session takes place in one of the most beautiful fisheries in Italy. A location loved by feeder fishermen and especially by young people who are approaching this fishing technique, or the complex of lakes Segugio. A spot full of beautiful specimens and all to discover.

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The Trabucco team, which will try its hand at the method and pellet feeder fishing session, will put into practice and show in front of the cameras all the secrets for catching carp with this fishing technique.

As the team explained, one of the fundamental rules for fishing in fisheries is obviously the use of barbless hooks, such as the Match Specialist. A hook with a penetrating and sharp carbon tip, which avoids unbending thanks to its backward curvature.

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Another rule valid not only in the lakes Segugio but also in other Italian lakes is not to use the groundbait. The protagonists, in fact, will fish using pellets and triggering maggots and grains of red corn. The product in question chosen for the day is Pellet Carp Brown, which has a great tenacity and is excellent even without the use of adhesives or other additives and can be used with both pellets feeder and method feeder.

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After the introduction of part of the equipment and having put in fishing rods, the first fish, also of important size, is caught. It is a carp caught very close to the shore. As explained by the expert of the Trabucco brand, the largest carp in this type of lake wander near the shore, aware that at the end of the catch many of the baits will be released into the water, while the smaller fish are located towards the center of the lake, then over the long distance.

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Loading the feeder, as experts have shown, is extremely simple. Just fill it with almost all the pellets and then place the hook with the trigger of the red corn or the maggots. Once the trigger is in place, just cover it with pellets and you'll have a perfectly loaded feeder.

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The protagonists of the video continue to capture, one after the other, the carp under the shore, alternating also the colours of the triggered corn, using therefore both the red and the yellow one and obtaining great results from the simple change of the trigger.

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The trigger and the type of shepherd, however, are not the only important factors in this type of fishing session. The monofilament, in fact, plays a fundamental role in that it must be sinking, extremely resistant to wear and tear and with a great hold on the knot as well as resistant to stress because the launches, which follow one another, can put a strain on the tenacity of the wire itself. A wire with all these characteristics is the Method Feeder, useful in all situations of feeder fishing.

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The fights of the day have led the protagonists to explain the importance of a very elastic rod and dedicated to the method, such as the Spectrum Feeder. A rod with sufficient strength to tame this type of fish that during the session did not spare any catches but rather contributed to the perfect success of a fruitful and exciting fishing day.

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