Ms Range Ulf 300 -40 G

Code: 5551301 - Brand: MS Range
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The entire blank is made of high carbon material.They are designed for fine feeding up to a casting distance of 50m. The lightweight feeders can be thrown extremely far and accurately. No matter if you fish classic for roach / bream or with a method basket for set carp, it can be used for both types of fishing. Due to the soft action you can handle very fine leaders and hooks and have a clean control in the fight. There are 4 special, field-tested feeder tips designed for a wide range of uses / light conditions. Incidentally, this was the prototype rod that we successfully used at the Feeder World Championship 2014 on roach / bream up to 30m! Shaft diameter: 2.20 mm
Ms Range Ulf 300 -40 G -